Unrefined Carbohydrates Encourage Weight Loss (Dr. Fuhrman)

An Excerpt from Eat To Live by: Dr. Joel Fuhrman (page 117)

This morning I was in a little bit of a panic thinking, “oh no” I’m going to lose all the gains I’ve made if I eat all those fruits & beans”!

So . . . if you are following this blog, you may be thinking “how can she eat fruits/beans and NOT be eating too many carbohydrates.”  Please read this excerpt (left) from Dr. Fuhrman’s book Eat To Live.

All I can say is this: I feel great, I don’t have that gnawing hunger in my tummy anymore, and I’m finally moving my bowels in a healthy way again. I had two (count em) 2 healthy movements today.  As always, I will be monitoring this, and will report back.

Eat the Food God made !  I’ll Keep You Posted.